The M2:


Bàrcinon (in M2) is on the peninsula ‘Bèrtika.

The peninsula ‘Bèrtika’ is in the M2:

Bàrcinon has three hotels: a six-star hotel which is called ‘Kasa Tot’ (House of Everything), a two-star hotel which is called Bàrcinon and a one-star hotel which is called ‘Ula i Adèu’ (Hello and Goodbye); one school which is called ‘Traball’ (Work), one hospital and one thing for everything.

All houses have the parking (-1), the ground floor (0) and the first floor (1), except the hotel and the school which have 111 floors, and the hospital which has 12 floors. İn the hotel ‘Kasa Tot’ and in the school, the large road ‘Bulevard da Tot’ passes through the 10th floor. İn the school the ‘Bulevard lad Traball’ passes through the 10th floor as well.

The swimming pool:

The water of the swimming pool is special:

İt comes from the sea and goes through the ‘Kasa da ľaigua’ (House of Water).

İt enters in a tube, deviates in two different tubes, one tube carries water and fishes and the other just water.

The one with water passes through a scrubber that removes salt and goes to the whole town. İn each house, it deviates in two tubes: one for hot water and another one for cold water. All of them have a cap at the end. İf you open the tap, the water will drop. İt depends on which side you open.

The one with water and fishes deviates in two tubes: one which takes fishes to send them to the fish shop in order to eat them, and the other tube takes water and fishes. The tube of water and fishes brings the fishes to the swimming pool in order to play with them.

The school ‘Traball’ (Work):

The floors are:

Floor -28 to -1: Parking.
Floor 0: Playground (for games).
Floor 1 and 2: Kindergarten P1 and P2.
Floor 3: School starts with P3.
Floor 4: P4.
Floor 5: P5.
Floor 6: P6.
Floor 7: P7.
Floor 8: P8.
Floor 9: P9.
Floor 10: PƐ.
Floor 11: 1st Primary.
Floor 12: 2nd Primary.
Floor 13: 3rd Primary.
Floor 14: 4th Primary.
Floor 15: 5th Primary.
Floor 16: 6th Primary.
Floor 17: 7th Primary.
Floor 18: 8th Primary.
Floor 19: 9th Primary.
Floor 20: 10th Primary.
Floors 21 to 30: Secondary (10 courses too).
Floors 31 to 40: Tertiary (10 courses too).
Floors 41 to 48: Quaternary (8 courses).

The school finishes when the student is 48 years old. Then you must work up to the 86 years old or if you successfully passed the school, you’ll earn 5000€ every 6 years and you can rest.
From floors 49 to 111 there are other things.

The hotel ‘Kasa Tot’ (House of Everything):

The hotel ‘Kasa Tot’ is a six-star hotel which has 111 floors, each floor is equivalent to the tourists’ age, on the 110th floor there’s the roof and iťs for the view (of the city), the 111th one is for the sky and one floor over the building for the deads.

The underground:

The underground has 34 lines and is composed of:
Metrz’, ‘Serrukarrils lad Tenité lad Ketalània’ (S.T.K.) and ‘Tramvìa’ (tramway).

Click here for more information.
Bus in Bàrcinon:

The bus in Bàrcinon is new. At present only 20 lines are circulating, twelve urban ones and eight suburban ones.


The Bàrcinon’s squares normally take one, two or four blocks of houses.

The ‘Placa lad Center’ (Centre Square) is at the middle of Bàrcinon.
The ‘Placa ladas Glôrias’ (Glories Square), below, is a supermarket. And above, iťs a park.
The ‘Placa Letmen’ (Letmen Square) is a long chamfer.
The squares ‘Ketalània’, ‘Espània’ and ‘Tàbula’ are the other squares of Bàrcinon.

Other things:

The hotel Bàrcinon is good: iťs located in a central site but you must get room in advance.

The hotel ‘Ula i Adèu’ is very awful and everybody leave quickly.

İ recommend you the hotel ‘Kasa Tot’ or the hotel Bàrcinon.

The End.

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